Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why I hate Las Vegas, especially Wynn Hotel Billion Dollar Property by Sebastian

It’s good to be home. I love this city. There are certain cities that I do not like going to. I’m not a Vegas guy.  I know a lot of people love to go to Vegas for the weekend. You an see a good portion of the population that sends to Las Vegas over a year. I’m here to tell you. We are in trouble. We are in trouble as a nation if you look at Las Vegas.  I don’t know. Is anybody embarrass anymore? Is there any… embarrassment? Is there any shame? 

I’m checking into a 2 billion dollar property, beautiful… Italian marble… 5 star restaurant… Juliet Art hanging from the ceiling… And I look to my left, at the check in thing. And there’s a group checking in with an igloo cooler.  It’s not even a new one, duct taped on the handle. 10 cases of beer. George Foreman Grill? What are you going to do? Grill chicken in the room? Aren’t you embarrassed? Come on… 

The place wreaks of cash. Sammy Davis. Frank Sinatra used to come with a tuxedo, cufflinks. And you brought chicken thighs? So you know what… Let me go relax at the pool. Go to the pool area. I don’t know how you people do the pool.  When I go to a public pool, hotel pool, I go away from the people. I don’t go near people. I don’t chit chat. Alright. I know a lot of people like to go in the mix of people, “Hi…. We love the weather. We come once a year.”

I don’t do this sh**. Ok. I go away from it.  I set up my own little corner.  I got 3 towels.  I start making the thing… like a fitted sheet.  Everything is tucked in, neat.  I brought a book.  I see people doing this on vacation.  They bring a book to the pool.  Have you ever see these people? How are they reading in here? 108 degrees, and they are reading a full, blown book.  So you know what? Let me try this.  Let me bring a book.  I sit down. I open my book.  Now, my biggest problem is I can’t mind my own business.  I’m half way through the first page.  And I start looking around, “What they f*** are they doing? What is this? Why are they doing that?”

I group guys came down, loud.  I’m not into loud people.  I heard them before I saw them.  This group, the high five group.  Have you ever gotten this group that comes down, “Arghhh…”

Why? You are 42 years old. Why are you high fiving? You are at the pool.  You didn’t score a touchdown. Why are you high fiving people at the pool? And they sit right next to me.  I’m like a magnet for these types. They sit right next to me.  Now I am honed in on this group. This guy took his shoe off: 4 band aids on his foot… How did he get to 4 band aids? How did this happen? After 1 band aid, isn’t that a hospital visit? What are you trying to fix, at your home, with 4 band aids? 1 box of band aids should last you for your entire lifetime.  This is a one time purchase.  When you die, you should have left overs bandaids for generations to come. I’m thinking if this guy gets into the pool, with his bandaids on?  They gonna have to drain the pool and refill it. I’m not getting into the pool with bandaid juice, floating on top of the pool. Alright. I don’t know what’s underneath the bandaids. There’s always a bandaid. There’s always a loose bandaids, in the pool. It will find you.  You will be talking… hanging out right.  The damn thing will just come in.  You are like, “Awwww Gawddd.” 

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