I'm going to let out a secret about indian people. Indian people are fully aware of how our accent sound like. We don't need you...
We know what it exactly sound like.
We know we don't have the coolest accent in the world.
"Hey man, aren't we cool. We are going to meet all the biatches today. I'm pimpin."
It's an accent. We're not death.
"Hey Jim, you hear that guy? He's looking for pain... ha ha ha."
Indian accent is good for cutting tension. Picture a court room drama.
"You honor. My client would like to plead guilty."
Canadian white people, you have an accent. I don't know if you are aware of it, sir. You might be a rich Canadian person, but you are a minority.
They can't control their head. "Geezes Christ... Can you get a load of the jugs of that one?"
White folks have accent also. I can prove to you. When you square, you sound like donkeys.
"Fuuuuu....you.... Buuuuulll...shiiiiii...."