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Monday, December 21, 2015
Steve Harvey Yells Yolanda Adams is Sexy because of Victoria Secret's Xmas Sale
I have been hosting the gospel festival for four years now. I have been around. Sometimes you guys are trips on me. Sometimes you guys will go left on me. You know. I'm just being a man. And sometimes you guys get that attitude. And then throw me off a little bit. I tell you what I am talking about. I was hosting gospel celebration last year. Yolanda Adams was on this show.
Now we go to a commercial break. And when I came out of commercial, we are going to go to Yolanda Adams. So they set her in her spot on stage. They move me up stairs to do an introduction, up stairs. During the commercial break, Yolanda was standing there. She is an elegant woman. She had on a nice gown and everything. And it was the light, behind her. And it was just shining. You know. Just right. And I saw that.
I have forgotten I was at the gospel celebration. And I had the mic in my hand. All I said was, "whooo aweeee. Wow. Yolanda sure is sexy." See right there. Just like some of you just did. "ooooo." See right there. All I said, "Yolanda Adams was sexy." Look, I'm a grown man. I ain't on the down low or none of that. I'm a grown man. I saw her, and to me... she looks sexy. And that is all I said. She looks sexy.
You all trippin with me like Christian ain't sexy. Let me ask you all something. If Christian ain't sexy, where all those little christian come from? Somebody is doing something sexy back at the house. You can't tell me Christian ain't sexy.
It's megafest tonight. It's friday night. There is a christian women somewhere in the mall at a Victoria Secret right now, looking at the panty on the table. It's 3 for $20 dollars. I'm in there all the time. 3 for 20 dollars at Victoria Secret.
Saw that show he's hilarious but he's right she is beautiful.😊