Best stage comedians at their funniest with punchlines all typed out for your enjoyment to read from richard pryor to louis c.k. and upcoming comedians with Youtube videos (monologue script)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Mitch Fatel's Stand up talks about Sex and Breast
Small breast are like, "Hi! Can I help you with something?" I'm like, "No. I am just looking." I don't even know why I like breast. They don't even do anything. They just bounce up and down, and it makes me happy. I can be very sad. And I see breast, and I'm like (me bouncing). I get happy. Thanks I am very funny.
I like girls who are easy. They are so much fun. They make the dates so fun. Some girls make you wait before they have sex with you. What's that about? I met with this girl, "I like to wait 6 months before I have sex with a guy." I was like, "I really, really respect that. Okay, I guess I'll see you in six months. Do you just email me? How does that work? I want to make sure I block off that date. Just in case I am planning a vacation."
I'm very fertile. I got a girl pregnant once. She called me up, and she was like, "I think I am pregnant." I was like, "The number you have reached..." Because babies are expensive, and they eat your food.
It's hard to get a girl pregnant. Do you know girls can only get pregnant 2 days out of every month. Only 2 days. And only 1 day is the main day. The second day they are already pulling down the gate and closing up. The tricky sperm can be like, "I just want to talk to the egg. I'll be out in one minute. I just one to see if my friends are in there." Thanks, I am very funny.
I would make such a great boyfriend for some ladies out there because I'm whipped. I do everything I am told, and never complain when I get sent out to get something. That's how you know you are a boyfriend when your whole life just becomes getting sent out on errands. And you look forward to it because you get to see other guys at the store. You walking around, and you're like, "Sam what are sent out for? Let me see your note. Oh, I needs pad too. Let's walk together."
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Rita Rudner Talks About Men and Women Relationships, Marriage, and Having Children
She was so big. I could not keep the magazine closed. My old boyfriend used to look at those pictures. For hours, I said, "Do you think she is pretty?" He would say, "Noooo." I hook him up to a lie detector once, and he shorted out Chicago. He used to say, "I read playboy for the articles." Yeah, and I said, "Yes, I know. I go to department stores for the escalators."
I do love to shop. I admit it. I rationalize shop. I buy a dress because I need change for gum. One time I love to shop after a bad relationship. I don't know. I go, and I buy a new outfit. And it makes me feel better. It just does. In fact, sometimes when I see a really great outfit, I'll break with someone on purpose. Once I saw a great outfit, I was not dating anyone. So I went up, hug a stranger, slap him, and bought it.
Relationship, they don't last anymore. You know. When I meet a guy, the first question I ask myself, "Is this the man I want my children to spend the weekends with?"
My mom always trying to figure out new ways to keep excitement in their marriage. It's not easy. She took up belly dancing once. She just was not good at it. To appear like she was moving, my dad and I had to jiggle the furniture behind her.
My cousin just got married for totally, totally the wrong reason. She married a man for money. She was not really subtle about it either. Instead of her "fiance", she kept calling him her, "finance-EE".
Why are women wearing perfume that smells like flower to attract men? That is what I don't understand. Men don't like flowers. I have been wearing a great scent called "new car interior".
I just read men reach their sexual peak at 18. Did you know that? Women reach their sexual peak at 35. Did you get the feeling God is into practical jokes? We're reaching our sexual peaks right around the same time they discover they have a favorite chair.
I do think about having children because time is running out. I want to have children while my parents are still young enough to take care of them.
My friends tell me story that scares me. One of my friends told me, she was in labor for 36 hours. I don't even want to do anything that feels good for 36 hours. Another friend of mine, she pregnant, and her husband wants to have natural child birth, but she doesn't, so he has been going to those classes by himself.
They are trying to put warning labels on liquor now that say, "Caution! Alcohol can be dangerous to pregnant women." Did you read that? I think that's ironic. If it was not for alcohol, most women will not even be that way.
My friends. They make such big deal over their children birthday party. It's so amazing. My friend just had a birthday surprise party. He's one. We all sneaked around the crib. We jumped, and yelled, "Surprise!" He was surprised. He's in therapy.
I had the worst birthday party ever, ever when I was child because my parents hired ponies to give rides. These ponies were never in good shape, but this one dropped dead. It just was not much fun after that. One kid would sit on it, and rest of us would drag him around in a circle.
I guess I'll go because I am in show business. I have so many exciting things to do now. I don't know. I'll go to sleep. I admit it. I love to go to sleep. It is the best of both worlds. You get to be alive and unconscious. Once I went to sleep, and I dreamt I had insomnia. It was just a strangest night. I woke up, and thought, "now i can get some sleep."